
" Ketika hatimu terlalu berharap kepada seseorang maka Allah timpakan keatas kamu peritnya sebuah pengharapan supaya kamu mengetahui bahawa Allah amat mencemburui hati yang berharap selain daripada-Nya.

Maka Allah menghalang kamu daripada perkara tersebut agar kamu kembali berharap kepada-Nya "

Riwayat Imam as Syafie

Saturday 19 March 2016

Persuasive speech ( carpooling )

Thank you , Miss Alia for your support.


Assalamualaikum and good evening I bid to Miss Alia and fellow friends. My name is Wan Noor Fadilah Hani Bt Wan Muhamad. I am a caring person. Why I say like that?  I care toward our environment. Do you realize something? Our environment keeps on worsening day by day. How to overcome it? One of the ways to overcome it is by carpooling. Do you know what is carpooling? Some of people will give the same answer that carpooling is when a car jumped into the pool. What a cool answer but it is wrong. Carpooling is when you share a car with anyone else like your friends, family members and neighbour to commute together whether to your college, office or any places. Based on my experience when I was in secondary school, I went home every afternoon by bus.  The school complex combines my school with other three schools.  I have to wait for other buses such as Cityliner when I missed the bus due to my extra classes. One day, I had to attend an extra class. All of my friends went home as they have their license. Suddenly, tree guys in a red car came and asked me to get into that car. I run as fast as I can and asked a help from guards. The next day, I told the stories to my teachers. One of them suggested me to carpool with my friends as they have license. I thanked to both of guards in my school because they have looked after me and they are just like my friends now. My friends also help me when sometimes they sent me home. Carpooling gives many advantages for you.  There are three main points why carpooling is good for you.

First and foremost, it helps you to save budget, finance and other expenses. You can save your money into your pockets. The money can be used for other expenses such as electric bills, grocery and pay for the taxes. You can spend it on books or notes as you are a student. Based on survey with reference from Statistic Brain Research Institute, the total amount of money that can be saved by carpooling each year is about 1.1 billion. How to save it? You can share with your friends to collect the money for paying it on the fuel petrol. For example, you have other three passengers in the same car and all of you want to pay on fuel petrol for about RM50. Thus, each person pays for RM12.50 including you. The more people you can have in a car, the more money you can save into your pocket. Moreover, you can save the cost of vehicle’s overhaul. You can spend less money on the cost of maintenance. You can put the rest of money in a special box for emergency. For instance, you can use it for emergency cases to pay debt, rent or if your parents were admitted to hospital.

                Next, the second point is carpooling helps you to keep the environment green. Carpooling cuts down the usage of cars and vehicle on the roads. There will be fewer cars on roads. As a result, it will promote better air quality for your next generation. You can enjoy the fresh air with your beloved one. Moreover, it also reduce greenhouse gas emissions, carbon monoxide and other pollution such as sound pollution, air pollution, water pollution and other gasses that will be released into the air. Plus, you can preserve the environment by keeping the cleanliness of air from dust particle. It will decrease the health problems such as asthma, allergies, lung cancer and other disease. Based on my experience too, I was suffering from chest pain when I was sixteen years old. My father took me to hospital and the doctor told me to avoid from the smoke that has been released by cars, buses or other vehicles. In the same time, my parents were worrying about me because I had pneumonia when I was a little girl. They are the one who will find the way to cure my health problem as long as I am healthy. Luckily, I have no more pneumonia and I can enjoy my life now. You can enjoy your better life too without involving in any chance of getting health problems. In addition, carpool prevents the traffic congestion from rising. Like I said before, it reduces the numbers of cars and other vehicles on the road. Statistic Brain Research also states that the total amount of miles in avoiding traffic by carpooling is 56,000 miles for each year. Beside that, it saves your time to reach your destination by the time when less traffic congestion happens. You can reduce your stress as no one likes to stick in traffic congestion. You will have a good mood every day. Based on research with reference from Statistic Brain Research too, it also reduces the total amount of fuel petrol for about 85 million gallons.

Last but not least, carpooling provides you to make a good bond of friendship and any interesting activities in the car. It helps you to make new friendship with new different passengers you have met in the same car with you every day. You can strengthen the bonds with them while sharing the same interest that can bring enormous satisfaction to them and encourage the spread of solidarity in our daily actions. Who knows your soul mate is on the same ride with you? It will be more cheerful rather than driving alone because you can transform a dull ride into an unforgettably fun journey. All of you will not feel the long journey when carpooling together because you have many ideas to share with them or talking about personal’s life. You can make any interesting activities while other person is driving the car. You can do your hobbies such as reading, playing games in your smartphone, take a nap and other activities. You also can save your time by doing your works besides relaxing in the car. You can listen to music especially if you have a long commute with other passengers while enjoying the beautiful scenery by the window.

As a conclusion, you should carpool with your family members, friends or other passengers to save the budget, finance and other expenses besides other benefits such as keep the environment green and make new friends while doing some interesting things. You should encourage your family members to carpool with nearby people with similar commutes. You can use the applications of carpooling such as Tripda, Carma Carpooling , and Let’s Carpool by downloading it from Play Store in your smartphone. Do not worry about your safety because it provides you basic personal and contact info. You must also register using your Facebook account to ensure that every member is properly identified and giving the drivers and passengers good social references about the person they are contacting. Plus, rating system is available in the website that you want to log in into the application using a scale of 1 to 5 stars. Every team that handle it will monitor the situation and take the necessary measures to ensure the best experience for all of the users. Furthermore, you have the full freedom to choose with whom you want to travel with. Most of passengers will contact the drivers by their choice. You can also get to know the other party through the user Profile Page to ensure your trip is as pleasant as it can be.  How to choose other passengers when you are the one who will drive the car? If you do not wish to manually accept every passenger who wishes to share a ride with you, you can select the automatic acceptance option. You also can choose who will be your passengers. You can change the setting into ‘Ladies Only’ If you are a woman. Based on data by Washington State Department of Transportation, the percentage of four people and above in a car is about 12%. It is not a big change, right? Therefore, you are the one who will change it and start doing it from now.

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Statistic Brain Research Institute. (2015, April 10). Retrieved from http://www.statisticbrain.com/carpool-statistics/

Tripda-About Us.  (n.d. ) Retrieved from https://www.tripda.com.my/about-us
Carma Carpooling. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://carmacarpool.com/


  1. Nice blog. I like to read this information. Thanks for sharing this.HoHo Ride. Carpooling

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