
" Ketika hatimu terlalu berharap kepada seseorang maka Allah timpakan keatas kamu peritnya sebuah pengharapan supaya kamu mengetahui bahawa Allah amat mencemburui hati yang berharap selain daripada-Nya.

Maka Allah menghalang kamu daripada perkara tersebut agar kamu kembali berharap kepada-Nya "

Riwayat Imam as Syafie

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Lifestyle is better than medicine

Done ! Tapi nak buat REFERENCES tu yang susah. 

The key to good health is lifestyle rather than medicine. How far do you agree?

            Yes, I totally agree that lifestyle is the key in determining good health rather than medicine. Lifestyle is defined as a particular way of living whether the way of a person lives or in a group. It involves the habits, tastes, moral standards, and economic level. In the other hand, medicine is any substance that is used in treating disease or illness. People nowadays are too much depend themselves on medicine. Every one in this world will be provided with medicine such as pills and liquid substances. They do not have any time to have a healthy lifestyle due to their commitment on duty even they believe the proverbial ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’. Mankind nowadays will prefer to eat medicine to decrease the pain rather than have an effort to exercise regularly. They should change their perception on both of lifestyle and medicine. They take the pills as a shortcut to reduce the pain without knowing the side effect of taking it. They always bear in their mind that lifestyle is hard to keep because it needs the commitment to do the exercise regularly. They should try to keep a healthy lifestyle because it provides many advantages rather than medicine.

First and foremost, a healthy lifestyle provides good health to people and teach them how to love their body and themselves. People will get a big positive effect on their overall health and bodies. They can increase their energy to make movements in daily life. For example, some of them can cope with the obesity by jogging at least three times a week that can lead them to keep a good lifestyle. By jogging they also can remain active while keeping them burning the calories and losing weight. They will be able to build muscle mass that helps them to improve their metabolism and burn more calories. It also strengthens heart muscles and keeps the blood vessels flexible and open. Thus, it will lead them to reduce the chances of developing obesity-related conditions such as diabetes and high blood. Next, it can prevent injury from normal daily activities while reducing the risk of experiencing aches and pains as they grow older by improving their musculoskeletal health that increases the strength. It also turns into prevention from getting diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes as it decreases the chance of getting chronic illness. Beside that, it helps people to increase their strength while gaining muscle. A healthy lifestyle through physical activity has an extremely positive effect on cardiovascular health. It improves the rate of heart and increases the blood flow throughout the body. A few of them especially women can lose their weight and feel like they are slimming down and having a healthier skin besides get a great posture of bodies in a healthier way that will give positive affect in life.

            Next, a healthy lifestyle helps people to enhance their moods. They can release endorphins by improving their emotional and psychological health that can make them feel happier and have a positive attitude. This happens because normally people will be promoted by better air quality during have a jog or other physical exercise that can stimulates brain chemicals. It will boost mental health which it depends on healthy lifestyle choices.  People who are exercising well can help themselves against the depression. The American Council on Exercise points out the short-term benefits of exercise are decreasing stress and improve the ability to think better. People may sharpen their memory when stabilizing their mood by doing physical activity. Furthermore, people can consume the healthy foods to improve their health. In order to stay in good health, they must avoid themselves from eating foods that are high in added sugar, saturated fat and sodium. More over, foods also play the main role to brain, body and emotion. People may follow the food pyramid to balance the average of proper nutrition as it riches in vitamins and minerals, such as fruits, whole grains and vegetables. They can strictly follow it for dietary rather than only eat supplement or any pills that give guarantee to help them in losing weight. In this case, people who really want to lose their weight tend to depend on pills without eating any foods. It may cause dangerous to their body because it does not get enough of energy. Plus, a study published in the American Journal of Health Behaviour states that another healthy habit that leads to better mental health is making social connections. American Academy of Family Physicians says whether it's volunteering, joining a club, or attending a movie, communal activities help improve mood and mental functioning by keeping the mind active and serotonin levels balanced. It means people can improve their social and mental life by maintaining a healthy social relationship with everyone.
        In other side, the patients frequently take more than one medication at a time. They do not aware that their body has low ability to break down the substances. Side effects of taking it can be seen in many types such as severe bleeding or irreversible damage to the liver or kidneys. Sometimes people are easily buying the medicine that can be listed as vitamins and minerals, herbal and dietary supplements, laxatives, cold medicines, and antacids from pharmacy or grocery shop. These substances might give unexpected effects without advice from doctors. It also can be life-threatening to people who have allergic as it contains active ingredients like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen sodium and aspirin. Normally people are not allowed to take more than one medicine that contains the same active ingredients because it might damage the liver or other serious health problems. Moreover, medicines also can be turned into a drug if people take it more than quantity that has been suggested by doctors or labels on the bottle. Medicine has been combined with drug to cure disease and relieved the pain. It is known as pharmaceutical drug in health care. However, the increases in the misuse of using it lead to addiction among the patients. For instance, people usually take paracetamol to decrease the headache, muscle aches, arthritis, backache, toothaches, colds, and fevers. Paracetamol which is defined as acetaminophen acts as a reliever and fever reducer. However, it does not heal any illness but it might increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes to regular uses. The newspaper of The Guardian states that the liver can be damaged by 150mg/kg of paracetamol taken within 24 hours even by 75mg/kg. An overdose of it will cause harm to body especially liver as it also contains drug. In addition, the doctors always prescribe many pills to the patients that have been relying upon medicine after catching a disease. Patients may make mistake by taking extra pills because they cannot estimate the proper time to take it.

As a conclusion, the key to good health is lifestyle rather than have medicine because prevention is better than cure. Lifestyle provides physical, mental and social health to have a good health. People nowadays should ask for the advice from their primary care physician or other health care provider about good health. Health care is a treatment, prevention and management of illnesses and the preservation of mental and physical well being through the services that have been provided by the medical, nursing and related health professions. They might decrease the chance of getting non-infectious diseases which are heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer stroke, chronic kidney disease, osteoporosis, heart disease and skin cancer. It can be a challenge in living a healthy lifestyle when they are faced with processed foods, lack of time for exercise or going out with friends. Thus, they can ask their family and friends to exercise together while strengthen the bonds. Exercising regularly builds body, mind and spirit discipline. Self-discipline is an essential component in order to keep practicing lifestyle for good health. The authorities should spread awareness to public about the benefits of keeping healthy lifestyle rather than depend on medicine. World Health Organization views that health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.
(1358 words)

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