
" Ketika hatimu terlalu berharap kepada seseorang maka Allah timpakan keatas kamu peritnya sebuah pengharapan supaya kamu mengetahui bahawa Allah amat mencemburui hati yang berharap selain daripada-Nya.

Maka Allah menghalang kamu daripada perkara tersebut agar kamu kembali berharap kepada-Nya "

Riwayat Imam as Syafie

Friday 5 July 2019

I did it !

I am done with my degree of Bachelor in Office Systems Management

Finally I made it, إن شاء الله will graduate on time 💓I don't know how to describe how grateful I am, finally done 3 years of degree. I did my internship from 24 February to 13 June then attended Viva on 23 June 2019.

Alhamdulillah everything went well, not like what I had expected 😂 . I prepared myself and got no sleep because I expect my panel will ask a lot of questions.