
" Ketika hatimu terlalu berharap kepada seseorang maka Allah timpakan keatas kamu peritnya sebuah pengharapan supaya kamu mengetahui bahawa Allah amat mencemburui hati yang berharap selain daripada-Nya.

Maka Allah menghalang kamu daripada perkara tersebut agar kamu kembali berharap kepada-Nya "

Riwayat Imam as Syafie

Thursday 27 December 2018

A Little Step

I never regret with my decision to further studies in other field after Foundation in Law.
In fact, I am happy being here in Bachelor in Office Systems Management (Hons).
I would like to thank all of them here 💓 

It is almost done, 
I will miss all of them.

Loving lecturers,
always concern with our health,
give forgiveness and pray for us.

Good classmates,
always help us with studies,
provide good information,
and be the best teammates ever!

Silly housemates,
act like sisters that told the world my clumsy attitude,
but they never tell my bad side to other people.
I go through ups and downs without hesitation with them.
(Nor Ardini Mohamad Nor , Fatimah Rahil Binti Mohd Nazir)


Monday 10 December 2018


Jangan pernah berharap setinggi langit kepada manusia,
Sehingga lupakan DIA.
Kelak Tuhan benamkan sedalamnya,
Angkara alpa dan leka akan pergantunganNYA.

Dalam diam, Tuhan jagakan.
Langkah mula tersusun rapi 💛
Maka nikmat mana hendak didustakan?
Bilamana dijaga penuh berhati-hati.